Congratulations to Laura Globig and Valentina Vellani
Laura and Valentina have joined the ABL as new PhD students and will start at UCL in September.
Director: Tali Sharot
Laura and Valentina have joined the ABL as new PhD students and will start at UCL in September.
Sharot receives Wellcome Trust Senior Research Fellowship to study information-seeking and mental health.
See the review for the Influential Mind and the two other award winning books here Posted: 09/10/2018
Garrett et al. 2018. Updating Beliefs Under Perceived Threat Posted: 09/10/2018
Charpentier et al. (2018) Valuation of Knowledge and Ignorance in Mesolimbic Reward Circuitry. Posted: 09/10/2018
Chris Kelly has joined the ABL as a new PhD student. He will be studying how cognitive biases influence decision-making in uncertain environments. Posted: 15/08/2018
The Influential Mind by Tali Sharot selected among best books of 2017 by Forbes, Times, Huffington Post, Bloomberg, Inc., Greater Good Magazine, Stanford Business School and more. Posted: 15/08/2018
Neil will be completing his postdoctoral fellowship with Nathaniel Daw at Princeton University and Christopher Summerfield at the University of Oxford. Posted: 15/08/2018
Garret et al, 2016 is ranked #2 out of all Nature Neuroscience articles ever (~4K) to be tracked on the Altmetric Score measuring quality and quantity of online attention Posted: 15/08/2018
The Influential Mind by Tali Sharot Posted: 15/08/2018