Christina Moutsiana: Post Doc

I am interested in the human brain and its functioning in health and disease, which I study using brain imaging, psychophysics and other behavioural methods.

I received my training in visual neuroscience, investigating the properties of the retinotopic visual areas. My postdoctoral work encompasses the fields of affective and cognitive neuroscience, using emotion regulation and memory retrieval paradigms. What I am focusing on in my most recent research is cognitive processing in decision making, what brain networks it involves and how this alters in clinical populations, and varies  across the lifespan.

Contact: c.moutsiana (at) (email)


Moutsiana, C., Charpentier, C., Garrett, N., Cohen, M.X. & Sharot, T. (2015) Human frontal-subcortical circuit and asymmetric belief updatingJournal of Neuroscience35(42): 14077-14085.

Moutsiana, C., Johnstone T., Murrey, L., Fearon, P., Cooper, P.J., Pliatsikas, C., Goodyer, I.M. & Halligan, S.L. (2015). Insecure attachment during infancy predicts greater amygdala volumes in early adulthood. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry56(5), 540-548.

Moutsiana, C., Fearon, P., Murrey, L., Cooper, P.J., Goodyer, I., Johnstone, T. & Halligan, S.L. (2014). Making an effort to feel positive: insecure attachment in infancy predicts the neural underpinnings of emotion regulation in adulthood. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry55(9), 999-1008.

Charpentier, C., Moutsiana, C., Garrett, N. & Sharot, T. (2014) The Brain’s Temporal Dynamics from a Collective Decision to Individual ActionJournal of Neuroscience, 34(17): 5816-5823.

Moutsiana, C., Garrett, N., Clarke, R.C., Lotto, R.B., Blakemore, S.J. & Sharot, T. (2013) Human development of the ability to learn from bad newsProceeding of the National Academy of Sciences, 110 (41): 16396–16401.

Moutsiana, C., Field, D.T. & Harris, J.P. (2011) The Neural Basis of Centre-Surround Interactions in Visual Motion Processing. PLOSone, 6(7).

Smith, A.T., Cotton, P.A., Bruno, A. & Moutsiana, C. (2009) Dissociating vision and visual attention in the human pulvinar. J Neurophysiology, 101(2): 917-925.