Congratulations: India Pinhorn and Hadeel Haj-Ali
Congratulations: India Pinhorn and Hadeel Haj-Ali will join the Affective Brain Lab as PhD Students in September
New paper in Methods in Psychology
New paper in Methods in Psychology: Sharot, T., & Garrett, N. (2022) A guideline and cautionary note: how to use the belief update task correctly.
New paper in Scientific Reports
New paper in Scientific Reports: Charpentier, C.J.*, Cogliati Dezza, I.*, Vellani, V.*, Globig, L., Gädeke, M., Sharot, T. (2022) Anxiety selectively increases information-seeking in response to large changes.
New paper in PLOS Computational Biology
New paper in PLOS Computational Biology: Blain B., Marks J., Czech P. & Sharot, T. (2022) Observing Others Give & Take: A Computational Account of Bystanders’ Feelings and Actions.
New paper in Journal of Risk & Uncertainty
New paper in Journal of Risk & Uncertainty: Globig, L.K., Blain, B., & Sharot, T. (2022)When Private Optimism meets Public Despair: Dissociable effects on behavior and well-being.
New paper in Nature Communications
New paper in Nature Communications: Kelly C.A. & Sharot, T. (2021) Individual differences in information-seeking.
New paper in Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences
New paper in Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences: Blain, B., & Sharot, T. (2021) Intrinsic reward: potential cognitive and neural mechanisms.
New paper in Journal of Neuroscience
New paper in Journal of Neuroscience: Globig L., Witte K., Feng G. & Sharot T. (2021) Under threat weaker evidence is required to reach undesirable conclusions.